giovedì 13 marzo 2008

The rose of Tralee

The pale moon was rising above the green mountains,
The sun was declining beneath the blue sea;
When I strayed with my love by the pure crystal fountain,
That stands in the beautiful Vale of Tralee.

She was lovely and fair as the rose of the summer,
Yet 'twas not her beauty alone that won me;
Oh no, 'twas the truth in her eyes ever dawning,
that made me love Mary, the Rose of Tralee.

The cool shades of evening their mantle were spreading,
And Mary all smiling was listening to me;
The moon through the valley her pale rays was shedding,
When I won the heart of the Rose of Tralee.

Though lovely and fair as the Rose of the summer,
Yet 'twas not her beauty alone that won me;
Oh no, 'twas the truth in her eyes ever dawning,
that made me love Mary, the Rose of Tralee.

Canzone tradizionale irlandese


La pallida luna sorgeva sulle montagne verdi,
il sole declinava sull'azzurro mare,
quando io mi appartai col mio amore presso una fonte pura e cristallina,
che si trova nella bella valle di Tralee.

Lei era bella e adorabile come le rose dell'estate,
ma non fu solo la sua bellezza a vincermi:
oh, no! fu la verità nei suoi occhi, luminosi come un'alba,
a farmi amare Maria, la Rosa di Tralee.

La sera diffondeva le fresche ombre del suo manto e Maria,
tutta sorridente, mi ascoltava;
la luna diffondeva i suoi pallidi raggi attraverso la valle,
quando conquistai il cuore della Rosa di Tralee.

Anche se era adorabile e bella come le rose dell'estate,
non fu solo la sua bellezza ...

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