What can I call my home?
Who is my family?
Where do I come from?
What is my history?
Someone long ago
sailed across the sea,
left his native home in search of liberty.
As he stepped aboard,
was he really sure
what he was aiming toward
what he was looking for?
Did he long for home
in a land so strange?
Did he lose his memory
when his name was changed?
Did he sell his history
For a new world fantasy
He could never find beyond his dreaming mind?
In our land of liberty,
Oh say did you ever see
the ideal plan,
the self made man?
And so George Washington
I found the liberty
that Abraham Lincoln
could not have given me.
Please tell you orphan son
I finally found freedom,
more than he could have seen in his American Dream.
The amber waves of grain
will never be the same.
'Cause God has shed his grace
through a human face.
It happened long ago,
our friendship shows us how
An event so unforeseen
still happens here and now.
In our broken history
there's a new reality,
if you're more aware than dreamers ever dare.
Come and share our liberty,
follow us and you will see
a new nation
a new creation
a new creation.
Bay Ridge Band
4 commenti:
Ben tornata sul web! Ti stavo apettando. Congratulazioni per la laurea e tanta invidia pr il tuo viaggio a New York. Bella canzone. Ciao
Maria Stella
si ogni tanto posos usare il computer della family ma non voglio occuparlo moltissimo quindi di solito controllo solo la mail! pero' avevo un po' di tempo in piu' quindi ho messo la song.
ti aspetto.
Che bello essere negli States, io sogno di andarci da che avevo 9 anni. Sniff! :(
Però sono contenta per te. ;)
Fatti sentire che, sempre se ti va, muoio dalla curiosità di sapere le modalità di come sei andata e come stai passando il tempo lì.
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